One Minute Films Cinema Workshop is turning 30

Thursday, April 27, 2006

*6:15 start meeting
*BBQ Saturday 2pm, directions will be emailed. EMAIL the listserver with what you are bringing!
*Speeches & Voting for next year's eboard
*Watched update- done shooting
*"Film Club" and "Are You Listening" are shooting in the fall. all others can be shot as soon as ready, following those two films
*Ballywood film shoot May 14/15. need 20 extras
*Go watch a free movie at the Ritz!

Amanda Eby- secretary 2005-2006. Thanks for a great year!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

(As per Geoff, fill-in secretary)
*6:15pm start meeting
*Student film lecture- Dr. Bierman
*Premier tomorrow 7pm-Boz Aud.
*BBQ- This Sat if nice. If not, Sat 29th
*Ritz moive night after speeches next week
*Reserved DVD list
*Pitch- "Firing Johnson" bySteven Lerner
*Eboard nominations

Thursday, April 13, 2006

*6:15pm start meeting
*"Watched" filming after meeting
*Premiere the 21st 7pm, BBQ 22nd 2pm- raindate 23rd 2pm
*Film updates
*Constitution for eboard positions read and nomination rundown
*EVERYONE- email list-server and say what you are bringing to the BBQ

Thursday, April 6, 2006

*6:15pm start meeting
*Premier posters came in. People needed to hang them up
*BBQ 2pm April 22
*Premier April 21st 7pm
*Philly Film Fest- who went? what did you see?
*"Are you Listening" updates. shooting October 14,15,21,22,29
*"Film Club" updates. shooting 3 weekends in September
*"Subhuman Superhuman" updates. shooting Jan '07
*"The Watchers" updates. shooting March '07
*"Watched" updates. started editing. need 2 more shoots. 21st afternoon shoot 2pm
*Eboard nominations 20th, voting 27th
*Ritz movienight 27th after meeting
*New lighting equipment came in this week. Training

Most Recent
September 2006
April 2006
March 2006
February 2006
January 2006
December 2005
November 2005
October 2005
September 2005
April 2005
March 2005
February 2005
January 2005

Copyright 2004-2005 Cinema Workshop
Site design by Colin Weir