Have a great summer!
After a wild academic year of seven fests and four features, Cinema Workshop is on break for the summer! Thank you all for the hard work you put in. Rest, relax, and get ready for what we’ve got in store next semester.
We’re excited to see new faces, as well as returning ones this fall! Our general meetings are held in Bozorth Hall, in King Auditorium, at 9:30pm every Thursday.
- The 2024-25 Cinema Workshop E-board
What’s New?
We have wrapped principal photography of all four features for the Spring 2024 semester. Bradley West’s Stella Cadente and
Matthew Jerry Boyle’s Dance Fever wrapped post-production, and were shown at our Spring Premiere. Grace Fox’s Vampire Bucket
List and Brett Allen’s Cherry On Top are currently in post-production, and will premiere Spring 2025.
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Active Member Status
Partake in 2 hours of service projects per semester
Come to 3/4th of the meetings per semester
Partake in 1 fundraiser (either by donating or working the event)
Be a part of at least 1 shoot per semester
Attend 2 workshops and/or one on ones
“The most honest form of filmmaking is to make a film for yourself.”
Feel free to email us with any questions or concerns at:
Or stop by our office in Bozorth Hall, Room 159!
Organization ProfLink: Rowan.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/CinemaWorkshop
Cinema Workshop is advised by Mr. Sean O'Leary.