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About The Club

Rashard Casey (VP) sets the scene with “Red” director Patrick McGowan.

Rashard Casey (VP) sets the scene with “Red” director Patrick McGowan.



Rowan University’s Cinema Workshop is a student run organization that gives students the opportunity to make their own shorts films in a friendly environment.  

Here at CW, we’re committed not only to the art of filmmaking, but also to each other. We’re all here to learn and help each other reach our goals. That’s why we hold workshops that help you learn the art of filmmaking, position by position. We also have an E-Board that’s dedicated to helping our members become the best filmmakers they can be. Be sure to reach out to one of the E-Board members if there’s anything you wish to learn.

Cinema Workshop also provides a great chance to network for all its members, as many of our former members are now professionals in the fields of film and video.

Cinema Workshop is advised by Mr. Sean O'Leary.

Be sure to come to our meetings at 9:30 p.m. every Thursday in the Bozorth Auditorium, located right next to Rowan Radio. We’ll chat cinema, meet new friends, and help create films that we can all be proud of.

Can't make the meetings? Join our list server where you can get all the info you need about upcoming events and general Cinema Workshop business. Just e-mail us at:

Club meetings are held in BozOrth Auditorium on Thursdays at 9:30


Feel free to email us with any questions or concerns at:

Or stop by our office in Bozorth Hall, Room 156!